

by - 9:18:00 PM

Today it really smells like summer.

I have a nasty bruise and scratches on my leg from a tumble downstairs in heels, at work - totally stone cold sober!

There is the most intense smell of jasmine outside and its incredible and intoxicating and its everything that wakes my mind and soul. It is also causing me major sinus, but it feels so worth it!

I am craving summer, the beach, the sea, a pool, water, immersion, washing away everything.

I am not summer  body ready - but I am wondering if I care about that part or if I care more about climbing into the sea, soaking up the sun and feeling every bit of summer wrap itself in my soul. (ok, I am lying I do care about not being summer body ready).

Last night we sat on our Balcony - the tree in our complex garden is massive - it never seems to end and it has been around forever and ever and ever - literally. It has something mythical to it, something magical and protective about it. It is those moments that should be cherished forever.

Summer is my favourite time of the year - it makes everything and everyone seem so alive, so full of energy and so inspired.

I have a little old car - she gets me from A to B. She is not fancy and doesn't have tinted windows or aircon (although she is fancy to me) so I have noticed sun damage on the side of my face that is closest to the  drivers window - I bought myself sunscreen because I am becoming aware of sun damage and also that I need to look after my skin more (yes I should know better but when you drive you don't that!)

I haven't been taking my vitamins, I haven't been exercising as much as I would like to. I have been eating a lot of braai food and drinking Fiery Dragon Ginger Beer this past weekend.

I have tried to paint my nails and failed at it miserably about 4 times in the last few days. It is super calming painting your nails - just not when you mess them up.

I had to buy adult things. Like a power bank for my phone and a hard drive because I have developed a phobia of my computer crashing!

I am bleak I won't get to walk on the Whale Trail with everyone soon. I have been craving movement, camping, swimming and outdoors. I know that time is coming soon even though I am missing out - there are other epic things happening that may very well be meant to be.

I am determined to get to Bali. Its all I think about. I am determined to learn how to surf - when I get time.

I have realised I struggle to sometimes take initiative. I doubt myself easily and I forget mistakes are ok to make. I am capable I just need to believe it, roll with it, sparkle like summer :)

I have a new food snack addiction which is marmite on cream crackers - I mean, could that be more boring??

We need tonic water for the gin and tonic I want to make!

I miss all the lovely people I haven't seen in ages.

But summer is here, it is coming and it will be awesome :) How lucky to live in this time, breathing in fresh air, youth fighting change, magic in the air and possibility and hope in so many ways.

How amazing is summer and all that it brings?

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