

by - 11:40:00 AM

I am not really someone who follows a diet or a certain health category/lifestyle, I am always keen to try new things and do my best to listen to my body. After this year I could definitely afford to cut back on refined carbs and sugars. I love breads, pasta and potatoes although I try to avoid refined carbs and opt for whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes and brown rice - it can sometimes be tricky.

Friends of mine started an incredible company called Banting Blvd which has really helped me change the way that I think about food and how we often purchase items that are really expensive and claim to be healthy but still use bad oils or ingredients that should not be in the product in the first place, especially when something is marked "wheat or gluten free" but it isn't. 

With Banting Blvd all of the products are made locally here in Cape Town and sold across the country through various agents, suppliers and stores as well as a speedy and convenient online shop.

The great thing about their products is that they are all premixes. This makes things a lot more cost effective as apposed to buying all the individual wheat free, gluten free, products that many health stores stock to make just one thing. Premixes include breads, breakfasts and treats. 

I made the bread and crackers one night and I was really impressed by how easy and simple the process was - not to forget how tasty my results were! I am not the worlds best baker so having a healthy premix at hand is really great!

I made the bread and crackers one night and I was really impressed by how easy and simple the process was - not to forget how tasty my results were! I got a little wrapped up in the bread photos thats I forgot to take pics of the crackers which were just as yummy! I went for the Seed and Almond Loaf which makes about 20 slices and I froze some of mine which I use as toast with avo. If you would like to see the full nutritional information for the Seed and Almond Loaf Premix see here.

Super easy to make - in this case you need 6 eggs and buttermilk. If you are not of these they can be replaced with rooibos tea or olive oil.

As you can see the mixture is really dense and full of delicious seeds.

The end result is pretty delicious as you can see the loaf is really a perfect size! I find two pieces incredibly filling! 

The slices are dense and moist as well as easy to toast and as mentioned, great to pop in the freezer if you want to make it last :) I have since made this loaf several times and the last time I added onions. You can add various herbs, sundries tomatoes or anything else if you wish to spice it up a bit.

Banting Blvd is also an affiliate of the Noakes Foundation and is as dedicated to helping previously disadvantaged communities and creating better eating programs - for more info find out here.

Banting Blvd has also launched an incredible product called HEBA Pap which is a LCHF pap that is affordable and can be made in a variety of ways with new twists to traditional styles that are a lot healthier than store bought pap - see here.

I have watched the brand develop in just over a year and had the pleasure of witnesses its incredible inception and journey that it has taken. This is an authentic brand with a group of truly passionate people behind it! The factory is immaculate and the time and care that goes into these products are really properly thought out and a lot of TLC and personal touch goes into bringing this brand live to people.

Finding Banting Blvd on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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