

by - 11:43:00 AM

So once again life has been a little bit mad, please explain to me how people get married, have babies and work full time? How do these people do it? Secrets? 

I am all about a little bit of pressure in life, I like to be stretched and challenged, it gets my blood pumping and my brain working. The past two weeks of varsity holidays myself and Emma have been doing an internship for two very, very cool companies (agencies)  involving an incredible project that will be shown in September. 

I can't give away too much but you will see me start mentioning it as we go along. This internship has challenged me on another level, it is exposing me to how a PR agency works, how projects run, the merging of another agency and that no matter what, you will be challenged, pushed and inspired. Although I am studying brand communication, which we have been applying in the internship, we have also been working on strategy, learning the foundations of the project, assisting with creative, writing press releases, copywriting, experiential marketing,  working on a video , website, social media and all other digital platforms and attending meetings with some of Cape Towns finest from a variety of industries who will merge with this truly powerful project and help make it happen. This is the view from the office we have been working in. I cannot even begin to express how fortunate and lucky I feel to have being given this opportunity. How it has empowered me, made me focus, implement my skills, improve on communication and most of all inspired me. 

Our lives as a couple are pretty insane, we both have mad schedules and the boyf is the biggest overachiever you will ever meet, more so than me! So we both end up putting a lot of time and energy into work and studies. But no matter what, I cannot express enough how grateful I am to have someone in my life who understands me and supports me in the things that I do. I also appreciate that he sings to me when we are in the car.

Busy times mean being a bit slack in the food and health department. But I try to make it work. It may sound a bit silly, but I am so grateful for my blender, because of it I get to make yummy nourishing smoothies that help my body function better. It's something so small but I feel fortune to be able to do this. My yummy recipe below is banana, apple, cucumber, berries, coconut oil and superfood powder.

I bought this bag from a man selling them at the robots. I often drive past him and he is always so friendly and so happy and each time I promise to buy one when I have cash on me. I have always wanted a pattern bag like this, so by chance I had cash on me that day and I bought it. I love seeing how happy he was and knowing how happy I am with a little purchase like this. Grateful that someone made my day and hopefully I made his day too.

As I mentioned above life is a little manic sometimes, but I truly appreciate the moments where boyf and I can have a moment to catch up and relax. Our favourite little spot when we are in need of an amazing coffee is Starlings. Such a gem of a place. Grateful for all the moments, conversations, good coffee, great service and lots of laughs we share there.

We finally got some weekend time to go out and experience some local beauty which we did at the truly beautiful Cape Point Vineyards in Noordhoek. WOW what an incredible place! We preordered a picnic basket and enjoyed the afternoon sun and spectacular view over looking the dam and long beach! Naturally we stayed for the sunset which just continued to change and was so spectacular. Whenever I see the sunrise or sunset I feel like its my dad, showing me something beautiful and opening up my eyes and soul. He would have loved this place. I always get tearful when I see a beautiful sunset because I wish he could be here seeing it with me, but I know he is somewhere else seeing the same thing. It is in these moments that I feel grateful for my life, for my ability to use my body and mind, to love deeply, cry hard, laugh loudly and ponder quietly. It is the moment where I feel overwhelmed and blessed to my core that this life is mine and I have to appreciate every single moment of it.

No matter how much complaining I do I really am grateful for my life and who I have in it, the things I get to experience, the people who love and support me no matter what. Thank you

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