

by - 3:57:00 PM

"The world’s first rent-free, premises-free, free “pop-up clothing store” for the poor, found entirely on the street and curated by you."

 The Street Store had its second successful pop up shop today and I went down to help out. WOW Kayli and Max and doing incredible things and you can see how hard they have worked to organise and create something truly meaningful! The aim is to create a street store where the homeless can come and shop with dignity. All items are free and based on donations from the public. Smartly hung up through posters made of boxes with a coat hanger print on each board, allowing customers to see and choose from a variety of donated clothing items. Volunteers are there to assist shoppers and help sort and hang the clothes up. 

The store partnered with the Haven Night Shelter Napier Street for the second run of this amazing cause  and  the vibe was awesome!  It is so great seeing people who ordinarily may end up digging in the bins for clothes or not having the cash to buy something from a store, really have an opportunity to get something they want, need or simply like. Some just wanted shoes after walking barefoot, others needed basics and a few were very fashionable and were looking for something a little special to go with their outfits. Men's clothing is really needed and in major demand! Especially shoes! People had a chance to walk down the 'shopping aisle' browse and choose without having to fight over or scrabble to get something they wanted. Each person could choose 3/4 items including shoes with accessories added on the side.

Food, water and shelter are all basic necessities that we often take for granted, it was so nice seeing how happy people were and how much joy it gave them to have something new and something as simple as an item of clothing.
 For more information and to view some of the interviews and feedback so far - check out The Street store on Twitter and Facebook

Monica from Green Habit  hanging up her donations

( Photo Credits: Saturday Girl SA and Monica from Green Habit

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