

by - 11:55:00 PM

The last four months have taught me a lot - I started a new job and a new role and a new year with lots of new challenges and growth and now we are halfway through this year and I cannot believe how fast time has flown again?!

What the last few months of life have taught me...

I have learnt that you cannot be fearful, its exhausting and time consuming and inefficient really

Failure is possible - get over it, do better, try harder, learn from it and move forward

Not everyone is going to love you, like you or adore you, but just be you - be kind, humble and friendly - because that is who you should be

Work hard because you want to, not because you have to

Be different - even if you are too soft or too hard, be what it is that you are and BE

Breathing deeply and unlocking tension in you mind and body is vital, try it

Drinking lots of water , like a lot a lot

Making time for your own health, you own body, mind and soul is the only way to increase productivity

Coming home to your love,  partner, pet, family, friend,  pot plant, just come and rejoice in that moment, rejoice in the feeling of greet someone special and do that every morning and night.

Remain humble and kind

Don't judge too easily

Be the person to believe in yourself - you can, you will and it will all be ok

Get thrown in the deep and swim up the stream, battle that current and push through the river bed grazing your skin, swim as hard as you can, because pretty soon you may be doing some badass synchronised swimming

Out of the darkness there will always be light

Love your loved ones, appreciate them even more when you are in a selfish space.

Call home, call friends, make plans and stick to them

Celebrate small victories,

Say thank you instead of putting yourself down

Stretch before you go to bed at night

Drink that glass of wine

Plan an overseas trip to Bali (even if its just to dream a little)

Be grateful for opportunities in life that take you out of your comfort  zone and open up your eye,

remember … it's nothing personal - its life and its a beautiful chance to grow!

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  1. Oh I've missed you! Great post. Nodded my way though it :)
    Kez xxx
