

by - 9:47:00 AM

LUSH always has such fantastic products and I am a big fan! I recently started using the Breath of Fresh Air Toner Water - The sea breeze captured in a bottle. A refreshing spray to tide you over. Great for use any time throughout the day as a pick-me-up for skin and mind and it really works for me. It contains aloe vera gel to sooth the skin, rose and rosemary to calm skin and rejuvenate it.

 It can be used as part of your cleansing routine or just to freshen up. I have read and heard that it can also help set your make-up. I have found that it works really well for me before I do exercise. Probably not what the product is intended for but for some reason it helps! I know LUSH also have a fantastic Tea Tree Toner which is full of antibacterial properties and great for fighting blemishes, but I find if I use too much tea tree it can dry out my skin, although I am eager to try it too, but for now the Breath of Fresh Air toner works and help prevent  breakouts that often occur when I sweat. I never wear make-up when I gym or exercise because I know it just leads to skin issues and because I have sensitive skin I have to be careful what i put on it, but a light spritz of this toner seems to do wonders. Yesterday after my exam I used some on my face and straight away my skin felt alive and fresher.

The only downfall is that for me personally, it makes my skin feel a little bit "tight" If I use a lot of it. You really only need a light spritz and you can either pat it on with clean hands or let it settle. I am no beauty expert (wish I was) But this little bottle is kept in my bag at all times.  Would love to hear your thoughts on this product and how it works for you!

* 100g bottle costs R65

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