

by - 10:58:00 AM

As you know I am a HUGE fan of recycling clothing and have developed an appreciation for some gorgeous second hand purchases. People are often "put off" with the idea of wearing someone else's clothing.

 People have the misconception that  second hand clothes are 'old and in bad condition', this is not the case always..... some of those items have never been worn (or are gently worn) and are in fantastic condition for seriously good prices!!!

 So finally a great concept has hit Cape Town where you wont have to find yourself digging through dirty bargain bins and moth balls, instead, we now have Rewardrobe, a stunning concept that gives you the chance to raid some beautiful closets for accessories, shoes, and clothing!

 See what organiser Christina from Event Star has to say about the best way to shop for the most stylish items for the best prices!

Recycle, renew, refashion your wardrobe

Rewardrobe Pop Up Sale: RAID HER RAIL!
Raid the Rails of Cape Town’s Most Stylish

On Saturday 2nd February, 2013 Rewardrobe hosted a Pop Up Clothing Sale at Quivertree Publications in Gardens.
 The clothing sold at these pop up sales are sourced from the wardrobes of Cape Town’s most stylish and often most travelled.  Those interested in selling at the pop up sales have to complete the online seller application form at http://rewardrobe.wufoo.com/forms/q7x3p3/. All the clothing is sold on consignment and the sellers have the option of donating any unsold clothes to our supported charity - we donate to OnsPlek in town.

What buyers can expect when visiting Rewardrobe Pop Up Sales are great bargains on big brands that are difficult to find in Cape Town at reasonable prices.  These brand names include but aren’t limited to H&M, Zara, Mango, Dior and more!  There is also a seamstress on site that will modify any piece of clothing you buy at no extra charge.

If you’d like more information about this event or to schedule an interview with Christina Masureik, please contact her at 0799072193 or email her at Christina@eventstars.co.za

Happy shoppers at the last Rewardrobe pop up shop

Sounds pretty amazing right!?? Shop for less and get the best of the best? I say it is a big win win situation! Recycle, renew and refashion your wardrobe! 

For more info please check out the Rewardrobe facebook page 
and stay up to date by following them on Twitter

Tel. +27 (0)79 907 2193

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  1. Love this idea :) Defs wanna check it out!!!

  2. Hi there,
    Do you know if this store does still exist? Their website seems to be down and I cannot find a contact nr for the store. Can you help perhaps? Thanks! :-)
