

by - 4:16:00 PM

Originally I am from JHB. A lot of very special people in my life are in JHB. On Friday I had the pleasure of seeing my dad when he arrived in Cape Town on Friday for business. Really awesome seeing him and we had such a fun afternoon it made me really miss him! I also miss my gran a lot. She truly is a special women who can feed you to a point of happiness and beyond and make you feel every inch the grandchild that's loved and adored. Another special member in my family is my little cousin Alexander. I miss him terribly because he is such a sweet, innocent, well behaved, caring child. I came across this picture the other day and it made think how precious family is. I know my family isn't that far away but I still miss them terribly and wish I could see them more.

If you happen to live close by to your family make sure you see them and that they know how much you love them. If they live faraway, make a call, write a message, stay in touch and apart of their lives :)


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  1. Haha such a cute picture!!! I often miss my family as most are overseas so very rarely get to see them.
