

by - 2:10:00 PM

I recently had a long hard think about clothing. It is so beautiful, so desirable, so wanted, and most of all needed. Fashionable clothing is a whole new realm of WANT, not so much need. As I am a student and funds are tight, I have recently taken a look in my wardrobe and decided it is time to do some recycling, well as best I can! So here it is a fun little outfit I dug up :) 

Jeans: Woolies probably 7 years old and then when they started tearing I did some DIY
Cardi: So old it's probably almost 11 years old no clue from where
T-shirt: Mr Price last year sometime when I tore a vest on a nail and needed a T-shirt that day so I bought this one hahah

I cannot wait to enter the working world and spoil myself a little and shop! But  in a way more wisely, now that I am older and have a better understanding of what  I would like in my wardrobe one day. But for now, last last seasons and old faithful items will hold first choice :)


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  1. As a student too I also love "shopping" in my closet, very cute outfit :)
