

by - 3:49:00 PM

At the boyfs house while he packs for his surf trip in indo! SO jealous! Off he goes to warm water and sunshine for 14 days and I sit in the cold! GRUMP
I am using his e net and wifi because sadly, currently I don't have any! (My luck)

I own a blackberry, but lately my blackberry hates me. So I have been using a spare phone as well as my temperamental blackberry. The cool thing about this, I have discovered Instagram which is pretty cool! i follow some awesome people and I really like that everyone can feel like a photographer and edit pics that they love with different filters. Hopefully my blackberry with be fixed soon because I cannot really afford the up keep of a an android to be perfectly honest the apps are far too money chowing for a student budget. But I did get to use the andriod, it's not a fancy phone but non the less it had instragram and I got to use it and when in wifi zones uploaded it! So, here is my average attempt at instagram before I return to my blackberry (which doesn't have instagram ...booo)
Following pics about my world

 My boyfriends Jeans haha. I love baggy jeans and I picked them up from the laundry for him one day and decided I would give them a wear.

 My Mantra

 I have long hair and often I am sooo boring with it! So I like the fishtail braid from time to time

 Lovely in winter. Boyf took me to stellies

 Yup, I could not resist

 Ring I found on sale years ago at Mr Price

 Boyfs family dog hunting! LOVE

                                     We painted, by hand! These stars on the boyfs surfboard

                                                Second hand jumper,super warm

                             Future life breakfast, Womens Health Magazine and my daily planning

                                                                    My little art work

Bracelets I wear always. I never take them off and they come from friends, loved ones or that I have collected

                                 My addiction. This was the worst game haha. Lame words


                                            My moms ring. I love! How amazing is this?

                                                        moms friends cats. How cute

Jeans I won from the stunning Being Brazen Blog. LEE Jeans, best fit and feel! So lucky to own a pair. They are amazing.

So one day when I am rich and can afford a fancy phone I will instagram my heart out ;)


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