- I am not a pretty crier
- made big decisions all on my own that hold lots of magnitude
- woolies sell ice cream in little tubs of four. Bliss
- fakeness is awful and can be seen a mile away. Its unattractive
- live what you love
- its ok not to be perfect
- saying good bye is possibly the hardest thing to do
- to be ones self is magic on its own
- the world is my oyster
- pizza four times in a week was not a good idea. ever
- taking a leap of faith can open you up.
- buying a book on insomnia might be the cure after all
- redying old clothes saves money on new ones
- the sea and beach are my happy places
- I can, I will and if you try and break me down then you dont deserve a place in my life
- I will always give until the end. I am a fighter
- the little mermaid is my hero.
- my flat mates rock
- this to shall pass