

by - 3:19:00 PM

I couldn't resist posting this. I have a large collection of hand bags, mostly large ones that are full of rubbish. So what really lives in your hand bag and how heavy is it? This pic is of the whittled down clean out of my bag and what lives in it now the following are: Mr price studded bag( my fav) Country Road make up bag (with loads in it), Elizabeth Arden Eight hour cream. (works like a dream on dry lips and elbows) Sunsilk Comb (enough said) Piano wallet (for small change) Woolworth's wallet (stuff with paper, not money sadly) Car keys (always lost in bag) Vital and zimplex tablets (gotta have healthy skin and hair) Red glasses (emergency reads, which is often) Glamour magazine (this month) My rosary (for safety and comfort) Dettol hand cleaner (Germ freak) Of course I am lying and this is only half of what I carry shameful I know! Handbags have being said to cause back and neck ache as well as shoulder height difference and ,migraines! Not that I will be carrying a small bag too often I will definitely be lightening my load!

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